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In The News

Coatings Manufacturer Showcases Trade Show Booth Worldwide
Dampney Company Inc. will be showcasing their new trade show booth worldwide. While celebrating over 90 years in business, Dampney will be featuring...

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Paint Manufacturer, Coatings Manufacturer, Paint Trade Show
Posted in: Dampney Company
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Header Coating
Header Paint   Headers and Exhaust Manifolds consist of cast iron, factory manifolds or a steel tube header used in high performance applicatio...

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header paint, header coating, best header coating
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Exhaust Coating | Silencer Coating
Exhaust Paint | Silencer Paint Silencers are made to provide solutions to customers’ acoustic, emission, and filtration control issues for engi...

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exhaust paint, silencer paint, exhaust coating, silencer coating
Posted in: Dampney Company
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How To Paint a Radiator
Paint a Radiator You are now getting ready to repaint a radiator in your house. There are different ways to prep the surface and apply the paint real...

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Paint a Radiator, How to Paint a Radiator
Posted in: Radiator Paint
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Stack Paint | High Temperature Paint | High Heat Paint
High Temperature coatings are specialized materials. These coatings are designed for temperatures of 300-1400F. Selection depends upon the temperature...

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high heat paint, high temp paint, high temp coatings, high temperature coatings
Posted in: Thurmalox
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