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In The News

Powder Coating How To- Releases Metal Filler For Powder Coating
Lab-metal and Hi-Temp Lab-metal are used to patch, smooth, repair and seal items that need to be powder coated. Lab-metal will air dry in a few...

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metal filler, metal patch, powder coating filler
Posted in: Lab-metal
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Powder Coating Launches Metal Filler- Ships Worldwide
Lab metal and Hi Temp Lab metal fillers are used to fill in surface imperfections, defects and voids on any metal surface prior to the powder coating ...

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metal filler, Powder Coating, What is powder coating, powder coat powder
Posted in: Alvin Products
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Leaks Repair:Seal a Leak:Liquid Rubber:Seal Spray:Sealant Spray:Rubber Sealant-Rubber in a Can
Alvin Rubber in a Can Now offers an easy way to purchase this unique Aerosol can for Every HandyMan! You may purchase the product online with a credi...

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liquid rubber, rubber sealant, sealant spray, seal spray, seal a leak, leaks repair
Posted in: Alvin Products
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Paint Coatings and Sealant Manufacturer Announces New Product- Rubber in a Can
Alvin Products since 1950 who brought you Lab-metal Launches New Product Rubber In a Can From Alvin Products This product meets the following sp...

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seal leak, leak seal, flexible seal, flex a seal, rapid seal, rubber spray sealant, rubber spray, rubberized undercoating
Posted in: Dampney Company
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Sealant Manufacturer Launches Rubber In a Can- Rubberized Coating
Alvin Products division of the Dampney Company Inc. releases Alvin Rubber In a Can. This ready to use handy product is packaged in aerosol cans. Thi...

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rubber, sealant, concrete sealer, liquid rubber
Posted in: Alvin Products
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