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In The News

Powder Coating Filler Launches Worldwide Distribution
Lab Metal from Alvin Products is now available worldwide and can be use for the following applications; Gutter Sealant- to seal leaks in gutters S...

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heat resistant sealant, metal caulk, aluminum sealant, aluminum sealer, high temp caulk, exhaust sealant, metal sealant, metal sealer
Posted in: Lab-metal
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Paint Supplier Celebrates Another Successful Year.
Since 1917, Dampney Company, Inc. has manufactured technically advanced, corrosion resistant protective coatings for specialized applications in indus...

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high temperature coatings, high heat coatings, high temp ceramic coating, high heat coating
Posted in: Dampney Company
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Wood Turning Industry Launches Wood Filler
Lab-Metal® Repair and Patching Compound is a wood filler that repairs dents and voids, smoothes and hides cracks and other surface blemishes or im...

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wood filler, wood putty, wood repair, filling wood, epoxy filler, wood putty filler
Posted in: Alvin Products
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Coating Manufacturer Releases Data on Solar Paint
Solar Coatings A selective black silicone-based heat resistant coating that is easy to apply to solar panels and withstands weather and repeated ther...

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solar paint, solar selective paint, solar coating, solar absorbing paint, solar collector paint, solar selective coating, solar coatings, solar energy paint
Posted in: Thurmalox
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Paint Manufacturer Launches High Temperature BBQ Pit Paint For Smokers
Thurmalox® Stove Paint, a high quality, premium coating, is available in decorative colors. Thurmalox Stove Paint takes stove restoration beyond t...

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grill paint, paint bbq, barbecue grill paint, bbq grill paint, smoker paint, bbq spray paint, black bbq paint, fire pit paint, high heat bbq paint, bbq smoker paint
Posted in: BBQ Smoker Paint
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