In the News

In The News

Stove Paint Web Site Launches High Heat White Paint now offers Thurmalox Stove paint in white. Thurmalox 290-00 is a high temperature white paint that is durable and will not chip, fade, ...

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white high temp paint, high heat white paint, high temperature white paint
Posted in: Thurmalox
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Dampney Company Inc. launches Wood Stove Paint in White
Dampney now offers wood stove paint in white. Customers now have the option to purchase this white paint for their wood burning stoves, radiators, eng...

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white stove paint, white high temp paint, radiator paint, wood stove paint white, white wood stove
Posted in: Stove Paint
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Alvin Products Launches High Temperature White Automotive Paint
Alvin Products now offers high temperature paint in white. This 1200F high temperature paint is used for wood burning stoves, engines, exhaust manifol...

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white high temp paint, white stove paint, white radiator paint
Posted in: Alvin Products
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Paint for Light Fixtures
Dampney Company Inc. Launches a coating that can be used to paint light fixtures. These coatings are high temperature, heat resistant, VOC compliant p...

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painting lighting fixtures, painting light fixtures
Posted in: Thurmalox
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Lab Metal Filler - Launches Product to Wood Turning Market
Lab-Metal® Repair and Patching Compound is a wood filler that repairs dents and voids, smoothes and hides cracks and other surface blemishes or im...

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liquid wood filler, wood filler, wood putty repair, paste wood filler, exterior wood filler, epoxy wood filler, wood filler epoxy, wood filler putty
Posted in: Lab-metal
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