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In The News

If you're looking to repaint or recoat your motor, engine enamel paint is what you need. It's specifically formulated to handle high temp...

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engine enamel paint
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    PAINT FOR YOUR WOOD STOVE Wood stove paint is helpful for your wood and coal burning stove. They can be brush, rolled...

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high temp paint, high temperature paint, wood stove paint
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Heat Absorbing Compound
HEAT ABSORBING COMPOUND BLOCKS HEAT TRANSFER THROUGH METAL   A heat absorbing compound that protects metal from heat damage and prevents...

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Heat sink compound, heat absorbing paste, heat absorbing putty, heat sink paste
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Managing our customer orders, inventory levels, in-transit shipments and open order levels is critical  for us at the Dampney Company. We have es...

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high temperature coatings, paint, coatings, corona virus
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Enjoy our 2019 promotional video . . . 2019
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