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In The News

Concrete Stain | Masonry Paint | Masonry Coating | Masonry Stain
Concrete Stain | Masonry Paint Dymacryl Concrete Stain was succesfully applied to the exterior of the building to match the team colors and to protec...

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Dymacryl, Masonry Coating, Masonry Paint, Concrete Stain, Masonry Stain
Posted in: Dampney Company
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Forge Paint
Forge Paint Heat Resistant forge paint is now available worldwide manufactured in Everett, MA U.S.A. Dampney Company offers a heat resistant paint...

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Forge Paint
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Aerosol Paints & Coatings
AEROSOL PAINTS & COATINGS NOW FORMULATED WITH LOW MIR SOLVENTS   Everett, MA - Dampney Company, Inc. has announced that all of their aeros...

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high heat paint, MIR Aerosols, High Temperature Aerosol Coatings
Posted in: Dampney Company
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Heater Paint | Baseboard Heater Paint
Dampney Protective Coatings manufacturers industrial coatings that can be used on heaters and parts. Formulated in multiple colors, this coating is av...

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heater paint, baseboard heater paint
Posted in: Thurmalox
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Wood Putty
Lab metal from Alvin Products is now being used by the Wood turning industry worldwide.  metal putty, wood filler, wood putty, metal filler
Posted in: Lab-metal
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