Baghouse Coating

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Chemical Resistant Coating for a Baghouse

Dampney Company Inc. is a worldwide supplier of high temperature, acid resistant and chemical resistant industrial coatings. These coatings are used on stacks and baghouses in cement plants, power plants, refineries, factories and plants worldwide.

These coatings/linings are used to protect against high temperatures, chemical attack and corrosion and the effects of hot gases and dust. Baghouses, flue gas equipment, duct work that needs such a coating is a solution offered by Dampney for over 95 years.

To avoid replacement costs of equipment, deterioration, plant shut downs, Dampney Protective coatings will identify the application requirements from design through application and determine which coating/paint should be used specific to the surface, temperature, contact and surface preparation possibilities. Finding a heat and chemical resistant coating that will provide resistance to aggressive environments is something Dampney offers.

An example of an application/solution provided by Dampney is a new construction kiln mill filter assembly baghouse coating was needed to protect against chemical attack and heat. After proper surface preparation was preformed, Dampney’s protective coating solved this problem and provided a coating that would last for years and protect the inside of the baghouse.

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