Alvin Products

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  For metal patching jobs, there’s no need to mix two parts!


repair & patching compound

... the ready-to-use dent and body filler that spreads like paste and hardens into metal.


Lab-metal features:

·        Lab-metal may be powder coated, chrome plated, and painted.Sand, grind, drill and tap, machine and feather edge Lab-metal.

·        Ready-to-use in the can -- easily applied with a putty knife. Hardens quickly, simply by exposure to air.

·        Aluminum-filled repair paste for patching metal and non-metal items. Lab-metal smooths, fills and patches imperfections and dents. Sticks to any clean metal surface.

·        May be thinned with Lab-solvent and brushed onto the application.

·         May be powder coated over -- will not outgas or pop out.

·        Powder coaters: Use regular Lab-metal for temp’s to 350oF, or up to 425oF for one­time exposures of less than 20 minutes. Use Hi-Temp Lab-metal for baking temperatures over 425oF, or multiple oven passes. Hi-Temp Lab-metal must be heat cured.

·        Surface prep tip: Clean surface with Lab-solvent first!


Lab-metal users:


Welders, fabricators, metal finishers, auto body shops, powder coaters, machine shops, chrome platers, foundries, blacksmiths, ornamental iron workers, plants, factories, plumbing/heating professionals...

ALVIN repair and maintenance products:

Hi-Temp Lab-metal, Lab-solvent (thinner and surface cleaner) and Lab-metal.


Alvin Products, a division of Dampney Co., Inc. • 85 Paris St., Everett, MA  02149 • (978) 423-7681 • FAX (617) 389-0484

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